Nasser Kabbara, known as DJ K-NAZ, is preparing to release his new Track in the next few weeks, especially after the success of his two previous original Tracks, titled “first title” and “second title”, which achieved high viewing rates on Anghami and Spotify platforms.
DJ K-NAZ is best known by tech house, melodic house and techno music.
In the beginning, he started playing guitar at a young age, when he started his career in 2006 to become a DJ, in a small club in Mina area – Tripoli, that is when he noticed peoples’ interaction with what he offered to them. Later, he moved to a more professional stage after purchasing all the necessary equipment needed for him to become more of a professional DJ. Later, he began working with more nightclubs; ex Batroun and other well-known clubs.
In 2009 DJ K-NAZ traveled to the United States of America, where he performed a number of gigs in most prominent American and Canadian nightclubs, in addition to a number of other private events, to return in 2010 to revive the most prominent activities that were held in Lebanon. Moreover, he also participated in the warm up for the international DJ NIKI BELUCCI.
After that stage, DJ K-NAZ entered the golden cage and preferred to stay away from the music world for a while, especially with the increase in responsibilities with the birth of his son, to return after about six years to the scene strongly, developing his goals and capabilities, as his name shone in the most prominent nightclubs in Lebanon, after which he was taken to perform during The World Cup in Qatar in the most important events for the fan zones as well as in the most prominent nightclubs and beach clubs.
DJ K-NAZ continues his career today with his revival of many clubs and private parties to ignite the atmosphere and present to the audience what makes him one of the most prominent DJs in Lebanon.
After a series of successes, DJ K-NAZ is shining in the world of music!
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اقرأ المزيد