“From our energy to our community” a campaign in collaboration between Rebirth Beirut, Medco & BAU.

“From our energy to our community” a campaign in collaboration between Rebirth Beirut, Medco & BAU.

After lighting many streets in Beirut, and recently Ain el Mreisseh – Manara, “Rebirth Beirut” continued the “Let’s Light up Our Community” initiative, which was launched in collaboration with “Medco” back in May 2022 in cooperation with local community and the private sector.


The lighting of the surrounding streets of the Beirut Arab University took place on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 5:00 PM, in the presence of the University President, Dr. Amr Galal El-Adawi, and H.E. Governor of Beirut, Judge Marwan Abboud, in addition to media professionals, students, and activists.


Founder and president of Rebirth Beirut, Mr. Gaby Fernaine, said in his speech during the event:

Today, all of us are proud to light up the streets of one of the oldest universities in Beirut, which is the Beirut Arab University, founded in 1959 it is a cultural landmark bearing the name of the capital and all its cultural and historical heritage. The aim of our initiative is to confirm once again that Beirut will not drown in darkness.”

Fernaine concluded, “There will always be a beacon of hope & light as long as there are people who dream like us and work for Beirut.”


University President, Dr. Amr Galal El-Adawi, expressed his pride in participating in this initiative, putting the capabilities of Beirut Arab University at the disposal of Rebirth Beirut, the municipality, the governor, and everyone who strives day after day to illuminate and serve the capital.


His Excellency the Governor of Beirut, Judge Marwan Abboud, in his turn, pointed out the importance of this initiative and the role of Beirut Arab University in Tarik al-Jadida, indicating that such initiatives keep Beirut as the capital of culture and life.


It is worth mentioning that the “Let’s Light up Our Community ” initiative has illuminated 61 streets and 6 main avenues to date, and aims to light up 200 streets by the end of 2023.

انطلاق العد التنازلي لبطولة “طريق الأبطال إلى دبي”رابطة المقاتلين المحترفين تقدم نزالات عالمية بمشاركة 24 مقاتلاً من 12 دولة
تكنولوجيا واقتصاد منوعات

انطلاق العد التنازلي لبطولة “طريق الأبطال إلى دبي”رابطة المقاتلين المحترفين تقدم نزالات عالمية بمشاركة 24 مقاتلاً من 12 دولة

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